Petri Kekoni Company’s new multidisciplinary work Onomatopoiesis is a poetic exploration into the cores of human expression. The work conjures up the primordial sea of human movement and sound expression. The world premiere is on 4.4.2025 at Cirko Maneesi hall in Suvilahti, Helsinki.

Petri Kekoni Company
Petri Kekoni Company is a contemporary dance company based in Helsinki, Finland.. Petri Kekoni is the artistic director and choreographer of the ensemble. Repertoire of the company comprises works by Petri Kekoni from the early 2000s to the present day. The core goals of the company are the continuous refinement of artistic practice and longevity in time. The themes of the works are not tied to their creation dates, but the artistic expression and execution always include a timeless message.
Kekoni’s work is based on a cumulative movement canon as well as the long-term development of professional craft and artistic vision. The artistic collective of the company, including some 20 people, has been formed around this idea of continuous refinement. The collective includes acclaimed practitioners in dance, music and the visual arts, who form the specific ensemble for each work. The company is run by the non-profit association Liikkeen puolesta kannatusyhdistys ry (For the Sake of the Movement), that was founded in 2007.
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