About the work

Petri Kekoni’s ensemble work 369° is a movement sculpture that is always viewed from multiple angles and perspectives. The work represents a pattern of movement that is active in every direction; a circle that has exceeded its full rotation is the beginning of a spiral. We encourage the audience to find new directions for looking at the movement, seeking a shared vortex of performers and viewers. The stage becomes a focal point burned by the gaze of the audience.

The atmosphere and presentation of the work find historical references in the sacrality of an altar, the brutality of a boxing match, or the hustle and bustle of a medieval market. In the middle of the space, the dancers undergo their own absurd survival fight under the eye of the audience. The architecture and spaciousness of the performance venue – Cirko’s Maneesi, or Manege – create the ideal bounds for this struggle.

“In addition to its numeral rhythm, the title of the piece is a statement against the need to always seek perfection,” says choreographer Petri Kekoni. “360 degrees form a perfect circle, which is a concept that is antithetical to art. Mathematically speaking, there is no such thing as 369 degrees, since it’s not possible to go beyond the complete – in theory. What is perfect is in balance, and that is something that we don’t want. The idea of balance is a kind of phantom that we keep fleeing from in work after work.”

The dance work 369° is the latest step in the long-time collaboration between Kekoni and sound artist Antti Nykyri. Previously, they have worked on Kekoni’s dance pieces Theses of the Deed (2011) and Non-Linear (2014–15). The dance ensemble of the work is a potent mix of Kekoni’s experienced long-time collaborators and fresh movement ideas from the latest generation of young dancers.

– Petri Kekoni


Choreography and concept: Petri Kekoni
Dancers: Tanja Illukka, Meeri Lempiäinen, Pekka Louhio, Anna Stenberg, Eero Vesterinen
Music: Antti Nykyri
Lighting design: Jukka Huitila
Costume design: Monika Hartl
Set design: Petri Kekoni, Heikki Rosti
Photos: Pasi Orrensalo
Producer: Anne Peippo
Technical realization: Heikki Rosti / Telakka Oy
Production: Petri Kekoni Company / Liikkeen puolesta ry
Premiere: 22.11.2019 Cirko, Maneesi hall, Helsinki
Duration: appx. 50 min
Support: Finnish cultural foundation, Helsinki city cultural centre, Arts promotion centre Finland


”The movement that Kekoni has crafted for the dancers is furious and strong, while still offering moments of calm. Momentarily, it feels like the boxing ring is a giant chessboard on which the dancers are pawns, switching their positions according to the director of some great game. I am reminded of a film by Rainer Werner Fassbinder… The end result is the feeling of a wonderful experience.”

–Jussi Tossavainen, Helsingin sanomat 23.11.2019

”Intensive, brightly polished movement. The viewer is captivated by the strong energy and unwavering concentration of the performers.”

–Annikki Alku, Demokraatti 26.11.2019

”Koreografi, scenografi, ljud och ljus – allting bildar en harmonisk och fascinerande helhet I Petri Kekoni Companys senaste skapelse där publiken får möjlighet att röra sig fritt kring dansarna”

–Tove Djupsjöbacka, Huvudstadsbladet 28.11.2019