About the work

Theses of Deed explores how a movement grows into a deed. For choreographer Petri Kekoni the search means a return to the concrete sources of the movement: the body and its proportions, weight, push and pull, and letting go. Searching for the meaning of a movement led into a collection of theses – a certain kind of Kekoni Method.

– The power of variation is based on different emphases on the same thing. A dialogue of similarities and differences is born.

– A dancer must, in his mind’s eye, see what he is doing. The hands must sense surfaces like a sculptor.

– Dance is a longing for an alternate form of organic existence; the dancer is an interpreter of different biological form.

– The intestines are a clue in the search for movement. The body can only be moved interestingly from within.

– Curlicues of movement lead to a body falling down the stairs like a body bag.

– A movement event always begets another; a path of events is created. Only the death of movement permits a new beginning.

– The state of true art is that the material of the tool itself cease to exist; that which gave birth to the experience disappears.


Choreography and concept: Petri Kekoni
Production for 4 dancers: one male and 3 female
Dancers: Tuomas Mikkola, (Thomas Freundlich 2011), Riina Huhtanen, Maija Kiviluoto, Tanja Illukka
Music and sound design: Antti Nykyri
Lighting design: Matti Jykylä
Costume design: Monika Hartl
Producer: Maria Junno (2017), Akseli Kaukoranta (2011)
Production: Petri Kekoni Company
New premiere: April 1st, 2017 at Cirko Maneesi, Helsinki, Finland
Premiere: September 22nd, 2011 at Stoa, Helsinki, Finland

Dance film: Seven Theses
premier March 2013, Loikka Dance Film Festival, Helsinki, Finland
and in many other festivals around the world. Avaible for film festivals. Duration 12 min. Production Petri Kekoni Company and Lumikinos Oy

Review quotes

“This is a fine performance, and the choreographer has enough carefully crafted movement material to sustain even an hour-long piece. The dancers seem to move as if guided by strong intuition, yet with great control. The movement pulls the viewer totally into its magic circle… Kekoni has created a dance work in time, and in which movement makes the deed physical.” – Jussi Tossavainen, Helsingin Sanomat, Finland’s leading national daily newspaper

”Kekoni’s choreographic creativity seems to be unending. The piece for four dancers kept streaming out new movement without ever feeling crammed. The dancers performed with extreme presence and intensity. Their dance truly embodied the movement into a physical work of art that left a strong impression in the viewer’s mind.” – Annikki Alku, Demari daily newspaper, Finland