The new workspace of the Company

During the whole working history of Petri Kekoni Company we have been missing bigger rehearsal and office spaces. Now our dream is coming true, after moving to Lauttasaari, Helsinki is finished. Located in Vattuniemi at Särkiniementie 5, the space includes about 100 squaremeters of rehearsal studio, office room, and warehouse. In the rehearsal studio we built a flexfloor, which is ideal for dancework. These new spaces make it possible for us to rehearse demanding large scale projects, which have come one of the trademarks of Petri Kekoni Company in the last years.

Outside of the Company´s working periods we rent the rehearsal studio for other groups, especially for independent working groups of contemporary dance and theatre. Please ask for available periods from our producer Anne Peippo Tel:  040 8337312

Petri Kekoni Company´s new address is:

Särkiniementie 5 C 8, 00210 Helsinki

You are welcome to pass by!