Choreographers comments

As a viewing experience, Non-Linear could be related to a visit in an art exhibition. In this work, static pictures have been replaced by movement events that the viewer is free to observe in any order. With the 12 dancers, we have created “loops” that begin, repeat at certain intervals and fade out. Each choreographic “painting” is precise in its form, and requires a frame to stand out from the others. The rows of columns in the Kattilahalli hall divide the performance space in a natural way. The layout evokes the transepts of cathedral architecture, bringing the viewer closer to the sacral tradition of the mass: We gather to witness a revelation, congregating around the mystery of movement.

The structure of the work is based on the spatial coexistence and temporal layering of five performance stages. The work is active for approximately 90 minutes, during which time the audience is free to stroll in or out. The viewing direction of the stages is not predefined. Instead, the choreography is designed so that events can be observed from multiple angles. I feel that it is not necessary to guide the audience to a certain order in viewing the various stages. However, the starting and ending sequence is designed according to its own logic; it is as if an invisible thread connected the stages; they need each other, communicating through the space.

An important part of the piece is the choice of the viewer – and hence the individuality of each viewing. I want to encourage the spectator to take the decision into their own hands, as they may need to choose between two or more sections of the piece. Should I follow this development, or move on to the next? Let your intuition guide you! Thanks to the repeating structures of the work, an interrupted theme may resurface from another direction, in an altered form. Besides, life is always about choices. You can’t have everything.


Choreography and concept: Petri Kekoni
Sound design: Antti Nykyri
Lighting design: Matti Jykylä
Costume design: Monika Hartl
Dance: Riina Huhtanen, Tanja Illukka, Andrius Katinas, Maija Kiviluoto, Saku Koistinen, Meeri Lempiäinen (ent. Altmets), Tuomas Mikkola, Valtteri Raekallio, Esete Sutinen, Jukka Tarvainen, Terhi Vaimala, Ulla Väätäinen
Producer: Tuija Lindholm
Set design: Petri Kekoni
Technical realization: Sun Effects Oy
Set construction: Rakennusliike Utriainen Oy
Costume makers: Mervi Palo, Siru Juntunen
Graphic design: Jukka Kuisma, Iasy Oy
Photography: Tanja Ahola, Nanna Saarhelo
Video production: Thomas Freundlich
Duration: 100 minutes
Premiere: March 14th 2014, Suvilahti Kattilahalli, Helsinki
Production: Liikkeen puolesta ry / Petri Kekoni Company

Supported by: Arts Promotion Centre Finland, City of Helsinki culture office, Kone Foundation, Wihuri Foundation, Sun Effects Oy, Vantaan tanssiopisto, Rakennusliike Utriainen Oy

From the press

“With his Non-Linear dance mass, choreographer Petri Kekoni awakens the viewer’s concrete and spiritual sense of touch… the experience lingers on the retina and in the body long after the performance.”
– Minna Tawast / Teatteri ja tanssi (Theatre & Dance magazine)

“The first-rate dancers offer an excellent rendition of the talented Petri Kekoni’s movement: Furious, angular, minutely precise and polished. Non-Linear is a powerful experience.”
– Jussi Tossavainen / Helsingin Sanomat

“The amazing space and the power of movement inspire silence. The precise and flawless movement breathes. The dance mass is a total experience – one could even say one of purification.”
– Annikki Alku / Demari

“A gathering around the mystery of movement… Each scene is a substance-filled entity rendered with feeling and skill… The whole concept worked well and felt refreshingly different.”
– Jan-Peter Kaiku / Hufvudstadsbladet